Vietnamese Universal Beauty Queen Bronze Sponsors
- The right to have an event banner size
- The right to have banner and own page on Vietnamese Universal Beauty
Queen Pageant website (www.VUBQ.ORG) and link to sponsor’s own website
- The right to free use of a promotion booth at the Preliminary and the
Final Pageants. This booth may be designed and used by the sponsors as
they see fit
- 4 VIP tickets to the Preliminary Pageant Competition
- 4 VIP tickets to the Pageant Competition
- 4 VIP invitations to After-party celebration as a Sponsor
- Daily Dinner invitation with all the contestants during the whole week
of the pageant
- Distinct mention as BRONZE Sponsor throughout all activities
- Distinct mention as BRONZE Sponsor in related publications and all
facets of media (newspaper and radio announcement)
- Distinct status as BRONZE Sponsor in all merchandising materials
- Distinct status as BRONZE Sponsor in all promotional advertising. Major
banner on all other events connected with Vietnamese Universal Beauty
Queen Pageants
- Full-Color 1-page Ad in the Vietnamese Universal Beauty Queen Program
- Will receive an 11x14 framed picture with Titleholder
- Will receive a Recognition Plaque as BRONZE Sponsor
- Will receive a copy of DVD and calendar release
- Will receive a copy of Pageant Program Booklet